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Organiser and announcer of terrain vehicles, motorcycles and ATV serial is PR and advertising 24 hours agency, s.r.o.
At the head of it stands Míla Janáček, who came in 1997 to an idea to organise 24 hours, extreme, endurance competition in difficult terrain. From 1993 he has been together with Ondra Nachtigall actively participating in events organised practically in the whole of Czech Republic. His experiences of driving in terrain started to combine with organisational abilities and so in May 1998 was first RED BULL OffROAD 24hours born. Today traditional "Dobřany’s 24" how is everyone calling this event. After a second year came out idea to organise also shorter and easier marathons and made a whole national serial out of them. Up to this time have "offroaders" been selected into two sections. One part was Czech and second "Bohemian". 24 hours agency made a promise to themselves to connect these people. It has been fulfilled with a help of regional clubs that co- realise these events. Today it is a serial of already 8 comps.
The first year called 4x4 Bohemia marathon 2000 had started a new offroad era in our republic. As much as on Dobřany’s 24, is agency keeping an eye on a good quality, medial and PR visualising and image of every event. Events are ran in 4 categories – category of vehicles up to 2000ccm, over 2000ccm and for motorcycles and ATV has been announced their own 7 parts long serial. Activity has grown to Slovakia too, so this year you can expect two races to be taking place in there.
The leaders of marathons are Míla Janáček and Ondra Nachtigall. This season will take care of all essentials Ondra, who is also liable for all tracks and everything around function of the whole area. Honza Šrajer is the one, who will be building all tracks and will be responsible for all technical support, assistance and track officers. Dáša or Martinka has a responsibility for such disliked paperwork, which means presentations on the administration side.
Technician inspections are taken by grim inspectors, and organisation, tidiness and all about depot is taken by few more people. Breakdown service vehicles, timekeeper and catering doesn’t have to be mentioned. They are all there and they are all great!
We have much more ideas, but as you know everything is just a question of money. If finding new commercial sponsors will be a success, than we can promise to do a maximum to make marathons even more popular, qualitative and visible than they are nowadays.